

共同代表  山城博治、ダグラス・ラミス(他)
連絡先アドレス Ideaspeddler@gmail.com







To:  All you folks who think peace is the better option

From: No More Battle of Okinawa: Nuchi du Takara (Life is a Treasure) People’s Association
Co-representatives:  Hiroji Yamashiro; C. Douglas Lummis (and others).
Contact address: Ideaspeddler@gmail.com

Okinawa faces a crisis.  This is an appeal for your support.

As you may know, The US and Japanese governments have announced that, in the event of a “Taiwan contingency”, the “Southwest Islands” will become a war zone.  “Contingency” is a softer way of saying “war”, and “Southwest Islands” means the Ryukyu Archipelago: Okinawa. The two governments are not simply predicting that will happen. They are arranging so that it will happen.  That is, all along the outer islands of the Ryukyu Archipelago they are building new missile launching sites, targeting China – this in addition to the formidable attack bases already on Okinawa main island.  Should any of these missiles actually be fired on the Chinese mainland or against Chinese naval vessels, the Chinese military will have the right, under the international law of war, to return the fire.  The Mayor of Naha has already begun carrying out civil defense drills.

This is not an issue only for in-principle pacifists, who believe all war should be abolished. To fight a war in a neutral country is a violation of the law of war itself.  Okinawa is not merely neutral, it is not a party to this war in any way, shape or form.  Okinawa has no quarrel with China. Many see this as a replay of the Battle of Okinawa, and are asking, Are we to be the sacrificial pawns (sute-ishi  in Japanese) – again?

There is a new movement forming now in Okinawa to point out the grotesque absurdity of fighting this war in Okinawa and to call for a negotiated peace.  Please understand: This is a movement that can include people who accept the necessity of some wars, but not this one.

(Even dedicated soldiers can, with perfect consistency, call for a negotiated peace.). A large gathering to voice opposition to Okinawa becoming again a war zone and to demand negotiations is being planned for 26 February, Okinawa time.  It would be very encouraging if you could support this action, either as an organization or as individuals – and this either by taking some simple action on the same day, or by sending messages of support.

Thanks for reading this to the end.   
